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20 Minutes

I set a timer on my iphone and use 20 minutes the best that I can simply because I don't have the attention for 21 minutes.

So in 20 minutes when I wake up, I do Yoga. For the stretching after not moving for 8 hours, it feels good.

20 minutes memorizing songs on the piano. I don't know how to play but I figure 20 minutes a day memorizing the 50 songs in the piano will help me. I hope.

20 minutes before bed I read. I don't pay attention to how many pages this way and it seems to be much less boring since it's only 20 minutes. It does help me fall asleep too instead of laying there in the dark for 20 minutes trying to float away.

Well this is what I could write for today about what i've been up too. But what about you?

What are you up to? I see there are 4 subscribers but let's get to 5.